2016 STARnet Undergraduate Summer Interns
16 Undergradduate Summer Interns Awarded to C-SPIN
(05/15/2016) - Sixteen STARnet Undergaraduate Summer Interns have been awarded to C-SPIN PIs for the summer of 2016. The STARnet Undergraduate Research Internship program provides summer internship opportunities for rising 3rd or 4th year undergraduates or students participating in the 4+1 undergraduate/masters' program. These internships provide students with valuable research experience, mentoring, and contact with industry representatives.
The program achieves its objectives first and foremost by supporting students in research under the guidance of faculty and graduate student mentors. However, several aspects of our program distinguish it from other research programs. First, the program provides funding at the university level, establishing on campus program managers to assist students. Second, our network of universities gives students the opportunity to participate in summer exchange programs, allowing them to acquire new technical skills and broaden their view of the research field. Third, the program also funds workshops and other activities to inform students about graduate school, including identifying programs in their field and how to apply. Finally, the program provides contact between student and industry experts, exposing them to different career opportunities and the benefits of an advanced degree.
We'd like to thank, Prof. Bartels of UCR for his significant efforts to connect students to this program. His work with first gerneration students from diverse backgrounds is important and grately appreciated in C-SPIN.
Congratulations to all of the summer interns. We're looking forward to seeing your work at TECHCON this fall!