Jiwei Lu

Dr. Lu is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Virginia. He received his PhD degree in Materials Science from University of California Santa Barbara in 2006. He has a very strong interest in the metal-insulator transition of strongly correlated oxides. His group investigates vanadium dioxide, niobium dioxides and other complex oxides based on perovskite structures.[1-5] His research also includes magnetic thin films and nanostructures pertinent to spintronic devices.[6-10] He was co-PI for Non-Volatile Logic project supported by DARPA, PI in DTRA sponsored radiation effects in spintronic devices project, and PI for NSF sponsored Spin Torque device project. He is a recipient of FEST award at the University of Virginia, Edward C. Henry Award from the American Ceramic Society. His industry interactions include projects with Grandis, and Northrop Grumman.
1. | Y. Wang, R. B. Comes, S. A. Wolf, and J.W. Lu, Threshold Switching Characteristics of Nb/NbO2/TiN Vertical Devices, IEEE Journal of Electron Devices Society, 4, 1, p11-14. (2016). |
2. | S. Kittiwatanakul, S. A. Wolf, J.W. Lu, Large epitaxial bi-axial strain induces a Mott-like phase transition in VO2, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 073112 (2014). |
3. | R. Percy, S. Kittiwatanakul, J Lu, M. R. Stan, S. A. Wolf, and R. M. Weikle, Method for characterizing the contact resistance of metal-vanadium dioxide thin film interfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 021603 (2014). |
4. | M. Gu, S. A. Wolf, and J. W. Lu, Two-dimensional Mott insulators in SrVO3 ultrathin films, Advanced Materials Interface, Article first published online: 6 JUN 2014 (2014) |
5. | M. Gu, S. A. Wolf, and J. W. Lu, Metal-insulator transition in SrTi1−x V x O3 thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 223110 (2013) |
6. | X. Li, C. T. Ma, J. W. Lu, A. Devaraj, S. R. Spurgeon, R. B. Comes, S. J. Poon, Exchange bias and bistable magneto-resistance states in amorphous TbFeCo thin film, Applied Physics Letters 108, 012401 (2016) |
7. | J. W. Lu, S. J. Poon, S. A. Wolf, B. D. Weaver, P. J. McMarr, H. Hughes, and E. Chen, Radiation effects on the magnetism and the spin dependent transport in magnetic materials and nanostructures for spintronic applications, Journal of Materials Research, 30, pp 1430-1439 (2015) (a special issue on Radiation effect) (review article) |
8. | Y. Cui, J. W. Lu, Sebastian Schaefer, Behrouz Khodadadi, T. Mewes, Mike Osofsky, and S. A. Wolf Magnetic damping and spin polarization of highly ordered B2 Co2FeAl thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 073902 (2014). |
9. | N. Anuniwat, M. Ding, S. J. Poon, S. A. Wolf and J. W. Lu, Strain-induced enhancement of coercivity in amorphous TbFeCo, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 043905 (2013) |
10. | S. A. Wolf, J. W. Lu, M. R. Stan, E.Chen and D. M. Treger, The Promise of Nanomagnetics and Spintronics for Future Logic and Universal Memory, Proceedings of IEEE, 98 (12), pages 2155 - 2168 (2010) |